Resources for psychological and archetypal astrology
Astrology and cosmology
Le Grice, Keiron, The Archetypal Cosmos, Floris Books, Great Britain, 2010. What is archetypal astrology? What do the new sciences say about it?
Astrology and cultural history
Tarnas, Richard, Cosmos and Psyche, Plume, USA, 2007.
The planetary cycles in relation to the shifting patterns in world history, culture and art.
Agora, Dir. Alejandro Amenabar, Spain, 2009.
Astrology and psychology
Banzhaf, Hajo and Haebler, Anna, Key Words for Astrology, 1996, Red Wheel/ Weiser, 1996.
What is the meaning of planets, signs, positions and planetary combinations?
Greene, Liz, Astrology for Lovers, London, 1989.
What is the meaning of the elements and signs?
Greene, Liz, Mythic Astrology, Newleaf, London, 1994.
What are the meanings of the elements, signs, planets and planetary combinations?
Harvey, Charles and Suzi, Principles of Astrology, Thorsons, London, 1999.
What are the meanings of the planets, planetary combinations and positions.
Harvey, Charles and Suzi, Astrology, First Directions, Thorsons, London, 2000.
What is the birth chart?
Astrology and politics
Harvey, Charles, Campion, Nick and Baigent, Michael, Mundane Astrology: An Introduction to the astrology of nations and groups, Aquarian Press, London, 1984.
A comprehensive survey of political astrology.