The astrology of nations
United Kingdom's astrological birth chart
Industry and innovation
Industry and innovation are the two archetypes that are emphasied in the United Kingdom’s birth chart of 1801 as the Sun in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, symbolises a drive to create laws inherent in material organization of the economy and Uranus rising is associated with the foresight of the pioneer.
Britain was the first industrial nation and the pillar in the construction of the world economy of 19th century capitalism, based on a system of free flows, in which international transfers of capital passed largely through British institutions, were calculated in the pound sterling, with commodities transported in British ships.
The planets
Sun: ☉; Moon: ☽; Mercury: ☿; Venus: ♀; Mars: ♂; Jupiter: ♃; Saturn: ♄; Uranus: ♅; Neptune: ♆; Pluto: ♇.
Empire of ships
Neptune, the planet that rules the ocean is placed in the second house of resources in the 1801 chart. It was around 1560 that the astrologer to Queen Elizabeth, John Dee, provided in his book The Perfect Art of Navigation, the ideological basis to create a British Empire based on naval power. Dee probably based his work in the national chart of 1066 where Neptune is in the house of what the entitiy has to embody, the first house.
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Ruth Rochester
Can anyone tell me why 1.1.1801 is used for Britain's astrological chart? Thanks
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The birth chart corresponds to the Union of Great Britain with Ireland. The Act of Union came into effect on 1 January 1801. The chart is set for Westminster. This chart repeats topics of earlier ones, like the Sun in Capricorn in the 1066 chart with Neptune in the first house. There are many other charts for foundational moments for England, and these add layers of meaning, that could be added if the article was longer.
UK's true chart is based on December 25, 1066. In order to consider other date(s), country's name or flag must change. Adding a territory to motherland cannot be accurate..For example, US is based on July 4, 1776 and since then, US added many territories. I live in US almost 40 years and see it is a typical Cancer country with strong Gemini and Aquarius which means July 4, 1776 holds!
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Yes, true, but the other charts add layers of meaning. In some cases they recreate the same themes.