Collective astrological cycles: the spirit of the times
World transits: Pluto in Capricorn
The socio-economic structures of the world undergo a profound change
The socio-economic and political structures that shape the material basis of civilisation undergo a deep transformation when Pluto, the planet associated to the archetype or pattern of irrevocable changes, transits through Capricorn, the social sign of the laws inherent in an organism.
World transits: Uranus in Aries
The astrology of Brexit and Trump
The initiation of radical change, the act of rebellion against the structure, the challenge to authority, the urgency to transcend the limitation and the sudden dissolution of the structures, associated with Uranus...
World transits: Pluto square Uranus
2012-2015: A new chapter in this history of capital, empire, economic crisis and revolution
The economic crises in the central world economies and the rebellions in the Middle East which will intensify between 2012 and 2105 are part of a cycle...
World transits: Uranus in Aries
2011-2018: Revolutionary initiatives
The impulse for radical change, reform and revolution associated with Uranus intensified as it aligned astronomically in exact aspect to Pluto in 2012...